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“You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

- 1 Peter 2:5

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Africa’s challenges are very complex but many have defined it simply: leadership.  It is all about not having the right leadership. The same can be said of other nations as well and the same can be said of the modern-day Church. Instead of just complaining, we believe strongly that something can be done about it, thus the emergence of the Livingstone School of Leadership.

The Livingstone School of Leadership (LSL) is a Ministry of OneWay Africa. OneWay Africa is part of the OneWay Ministries family, which is an International Missions Organization that seeks “To activate people to exalt Jesus Christ and advance His gospel to the multitudes”  OneWay Africa also runs the Livingstone School of Missions which was founded in 2005 in Botswana and has trained several Missionaries and missional Christians from 17 countries in Africa and beyond.


To glorify God by raising a new generation of Servant  Leaders who lead with integrity, excellence, intentionality, and mission-mindedness toward the pursuit of Transformation in Africa and beyond.


A new Africa and a revived mission-minded church led by Christ-like Leaders


A. The Training is structured in three main areas:

  1. The Foundation of A Servant Leader

  2. The Development of A Servant Leader

  3. The Impact of A Servant Leader

B. The structure of how the course will run is as follows:

  1.  A three-month online course- Lectures take place on Zoom weekly. 


1.   The Foundation of A Servant Leader

•    Biblical Leadership 
•    The Heart & Life of A Leader 
•    Purpose & Spiritual Gifts 
•    Self Leadership

2.   The Development of A Servant Leader

•    Servant Leadership 

•    Global Leadership 

-    Cultural Intelligence
-    Various leadership styles (to Cultural Intelligence)
-    Emotional Intelligence 
-    Leading Globally
-    Team Work

•  Leadership in Africa- Key Factors, Trends & Issues
-    Leadership Challenges in Africa
-    Strategic Planning
-    Governance  
-    Learning from our failures
-    Work Ethics


•    Management Focus
-    Time Management
-    Financial Management
-    Innovation & Change Management
-    Leading with Technology 

3.   The Impact of A Leader

•    The Leader and the Great Commission
-    Introduction to World Missions

•    Disciple-Making
-     Discipleship/Mentoring/Developing other Leaders/Market Place  Ministry/Community Transformation 

•    Biblical Stewardship & Generosity

•    Finishing Well 

-     Leading well to the very End
-     The Leaders Legacy

Training model

The LSL Training will include:

  1. Lectures

  2. Videos

  3. Experiential Learning

  4. Group Discussions and interactions

  5. Reading Assignments

  6. Practical Leadership Projects

  7. Practical Disciple-making

  8. Internship (where needed)

  9. Mentoring

  10. Homework

  11. Exams


Why should I attend the Livingstone School of Leadership?

  1. It is Christ-centered leadership Development

  2. It seeks to bring God Glory and is Spirit-led

  3. It seeks to raise a new breed of African/Global Leaders

  4. Focuses on Spiritual Formation &  the Character of the Leader

  5. Focuses on Holistic Development of the Leader- Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, Social, Psychological.

  6. Focuses on Servant Leadership

  7. Focuses on Missions

  8. Focuses on Experiential Learning

  9. Focuses on  lifelong leadership development and mentoring

  10. Each student will be assigned to a Mentor

  11. Courses are taught by exceptional and godly leaders from different parts of the world who are at the cutting edge of Christian Leadership globally.

  12. You will discover your leadership style and develop excellent and valuable  Leadership skills that will make you very effective as a Leader in any field of endeavor including career/ministry/missions/business/family/community etc.

  13. You will be equipped in the vital areas of Global leadership that by the Grace of God, would make you a “Livingstone” in the Hands of our Lord Jesus Christ for great exploits, community transformation, significant contribution to the fulfillment of the Great Commission and extraordinary leadership at all levels of society.

Who can attend?

Whether you are an emerging young leader (still in University or have graduated), whether you are a young adult at crossroads seeking your purpose in life and wanting to make a difference, or whether you are already a Leader in ministry, education, business, or the corporate world, - your leadership capacity will be harnessed, sharpened and developed to make you that exceptional and highly influential Servant leader that causes a great change in this generation and beyond to the Glory of God Most High.

When does the school commence and how much does it cost?

The next cohort of students will be in session from Friday, 1st March 2024  to 30th May 2024.

Subscribe to our mailing list to receive the latest updates on when the next session commences.


Course Fees: Each student admitted into this LSL cohort will receive a 100% scholarship.


Note that not everyone who applies will be admitted. We are looking for people who are hungry for change and are passionate teachable and ready to lead in a new kingdom way.

Students admitted would take the following tests and submit their reports:


“The authority by which the Christian leader leads is not power but love, not force but example, not coercion but reasoned persuasion. Leaders have power, but power is safe only in the hands of those who humble themselves to serve.”

- John Stott


“ In 2005, LSM introduced me to the reality of the Christian life; the heartbeat of GOD being missions. I discovered my purpose. My life has never been the same again”.

- Ndiko Muzila, Founder and Director of Voice of the Voiceless Outreach, Botswana.

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